No form appears to point out up on display screen though I’ve meticulously verified every little thing.
The information set I take advantage of which is parsed by my code CORRECTLY(I checked that) to be loaded right into a generic array assemble I made(Additionally examine for correctness) after which later despatched to vbo and ebo:
v 400 400 0 1 0 // Vertex attributes, x y r g b
v 450 450 1 1 0
v 350 350 0 0 1
v 300 300 0 1 1
f 0 1 2 // Indices for EBO.
f 1 2 3
Vertex Sahder:
#model 460 core
structure (location = 0) in uint vert_data;
out vec3 frag_rgb;
void most important() {
uint x = (vert_data >> 5) & 4095u; // Extract x (12 bits)
uint y = (vert_data >> 17) & 4095u; // Extract y (12 bits)
uint r = (vert_data >> 29); // Boolean coloration flag (1 or 0)
uint g = (vert_data >> 30); // Boolean coloration flag (1 or 0)
uint b = (vert_data >> 31); // Boolean coloration flag (1 or 0)
frag_rgb = vec3(r, g, b);
gl_Position = vec4((((x / 4095.0) * 2.0) - 1.0), (((y / 4095.0) * 2.0 )- 1.0), 0.0f, 1.0f);
Fragment Shader:
#model 460 core
in vec3 frag_rgb;
out vec4 frag_color;
void most important() {
frag_color = vec4(frag_rgb, 1.0);
My object setup to setup objects in response to the parsed knowledge from a file.:
static void GenVtxBufferDataObjects(Struct_VtxBufferData *pVtx_buffer_data) {
glGenVertexArrays(1, &(pVtx_buffer_data->vao));
// At this level within the code we're positive that the vertices exist and indices optionally exist.
glGenBuffers(1, &pVtx_buffer_data->vbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pVtx_buffer_data->vbo);
pVtx_buffer_data->vert.elem_size *
pVtx_buffer_data->vert.arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
if (pVtx_buffer_data->face.first_empty_index) { // We discovered indices for ebo.
glGenBuffers(1, &pVtx_buffer_data->ebo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, pVtx_buffer_data->ebo);
pVtx_buffer_data->face.elem_size *
pVtx_buffer_data->face.arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
} else {
pVtx_buffer_data->ebo = 0;
// Because the vertex knowledge is encoded right into a int, utilizing its measurement accurately defines the stride.
// We're nonetheless utilizing a vert.elem_size as if the encoded knowledge measurement modifications it may nonetheless operate correctly
glVertexAttribIPointer(0, 1, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pVtx_buffer_data->vert.elem_size,
Within the above code, The dimensions calculations and the proper knowledge parsed all are checked to be right. In order that should not be the issue.
My Render program:
void gfx_Render(GLuint program, Struct_VtxBufferData *pVtx_buffer_data) {
glClearColor(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
if (pVtx_buffer_data->face.first_empty_index) { // This signifies that indices for EBO have been recieved.
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, pVtx_buffer_data->face.first_empty_index,
} else {
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, pVtx_buffer_data->vert.first_empty_index);
I’ve examine for nearly each facet of the code, nonetheless i could not work out something. PLZ assist me.